
"Case study" method: as an individual, organization, event or phenomenon

07.07.2023 12:41 1915 review

The case study method is an exploratory approach that involves an in-depth and detailed analysis of a specific case, such as an individual, organization, event, or phenomenon.

Tehsil.biz reports that this method has a number of advantages.

Case studies provide researchers with a wealth of information about a particular work under investigation. This detailed information allows you to fully understand the complexities and nuances of the case.

Case studies allow researchers to explore the context in which a particular event or problem occurred. By examining the unique circumstances and situational factors surrounding work, researchers gain insight into the broader environment and its impact on work.

The case study method promotes a holistic understanding of a case by exploring multiple aspects and points of view. Researchers can study various aspects of work, such as social, cultural, economic and psychological factors, which help in complex analysis.

Case studies can contribute to the development of theory by providing empirical data and generating new ideas. Through careful case analysis, researchers can identify patterns, relationships, or theoretical frameworks that can be applied or extended in future research.

Case studies often focus on real situations and problems, and the results are highly applicable to practical settings. Findings from case studies can inform decision-making processes and provide valuable guidance to professionals and practitioners in relevant fields.

When investigating rare or unique cases, it is especially useful to investigate rare or rare cases that are difficult to reproduce under controlled experimental conditions. They allow researchers to explore unusual or atypical situations and explore them in depth.

Case studies often use multiple data collection methods such as interviews, observations, and document analysis. This triangulation of data increases the validity and reliability of the results as different data sources can be collated and compared.

The case study method is flexible and adaptable to different research questions and contexts. Researchers can tailor study designs and focus on their specific needs, allowing for personalized and detailed studies.

Case studies may include longitudinal analysis where data is collected over a long period of time. This longitudinal perspective allows researchers to observe the changes, development, and effects of interventions or treatments over time.

Case studies can serve as a starting point for generating hypotheses and formulating research questions for further research. They can help identify gaps in existing knowledge and guide future research.

Overall, the case study method offers a unique and valuable approach to understanding complex phenomena, examining real situations, and obtaining information that can inform theory, practice, and decision making.

Kanan Nagibeyli

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