
Registration for the foreign language entrance exam for doctoral studies is over

31.05.2023 14:00 1785 review

Candidates' admission exam in foreign languages ​​for doctoral studies, as well as the registration of candidates studying in doctoral studies to participate in the doctoral examination in foreign languages, ends.

According to the information provided to "Tehsil.biz" by the State Examination Center, the registration to take part in the exam will continue until 23:59 today.

Participants must create a "Personal Cabinet" on the DIM website (http://ekabinet.dim.gov.az) (those who do not have a Personal Cabinet) and register to participate in the foreign language exam.

It should be noted that the admission in foreign languages ​​and the PhD exam in foreign languages ​​are planned to be held on June 11, 2023, and the PhD exam in the Azerbaijani language for foreigners is planned to be held on June 12. The exam on the speaking block is planned to be held within a few days from June 16.

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