
Will the teaching of the subject "Nature" affect the teaching load of teachers?

08.06.2023 10:30 1650 review

Starting the teaching of the subject "Nature" in the V and VI classes of general educational institutions will not have any effect on the teaching load of teachers.

Tehsil.biz reports that APA was informed about this by the Ministry of Science and Education.

It was noted that the integrative subject "Nature" is taught in the V and VI classes at the expense of the hours of "Life Science", "Physics" and "Biology" subjects.


"In the previous years, 5 hours allocated to the teaching of these subjects in these classes will be given to the teaching of the subject "Nature", 2 hours in the V classes and 3 hours in the VI classes. This year, textbooks on the subject "Nature" will be delivered to all general educational institutions before the start of the academic year," the answer stated.

It should be noted that from the next academic year, the teaching of the subject "Nature" will be started in the VI class of secondary schools, and "Physics" and "Biology" will not be taught instead.

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