
"Graduate Day" was held at Zagatala branch of UNEC

22.06.2023 10:27 1925 review

"Graduation Day" was held at the Zagatala branch of Azerbaijan State University of Economics.

"Tehsil.biz" was told from UNEC that the National Anthem was played at the opening of the event and the memory of the martyrs was commemorated with a minute of silence.

Professor Orujali Rzayev, director of the Zagatala branch, made a speech and informed about the innovations and future plans of the branch. O. Rzayev said that 168 students graduated from the branch this year and congratulated them on this significant day. He wished the graduates success in their future activities and advised them to be worthy sons of their country and people.

Deputy director of the branch, associate professor Haqikat Gadimova, head of Zagatala School of Economics Babek Aliyev, head of the Department of Economics and Management, associate professor Safar Raziyev and others spoke at the event.

Then the students who graduated from the Zagatala branch with high results and actively participated in the social life of the university were awarded with honorary degrees.

The graduates gave a speech and expressed their gratitude to their teachers, who taught them throughout the academic year, treated them with attention and care, and to every member of the team.

The event continued with the artistic part.

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