
TKTA conducted trainings in these universities

30.05.2023 11:23 1749 review

On the basis of the cooperation agreements signed between the Agency for Quality Assurance in Education and the Azerbaijan University of Languages, the Azerbaijan Medical University and the Azerbaijan Academy of Labor and Social Relations on the provision of services in the field of training, the academic and administrative staff of the Academy, ASU and AMU by the Training and Methodology Department of the Agency's Quality Assurance Department was involved in foreign quality assurance trainings.

"Tehsil.biz" was informed about this by the agency.

In trainings on external quality assurance, the participants were given extensive information on the rules of accreditation of educational institutions, evaluation criteria for institutional accreditation of higher education institutions.

It should be noted that organizing trainings in the direction of internal and external quality assurance is one of the activities of TKTA according to its Charter.

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