
Similarities and differences of educational systems of Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan

22.06.2023 13:15 2434 review

The education systems of Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan have similarities and differences.

Tehsil.biz has compared various aspects of their education systems based on some studies:

1. Structure and levels of education:

- Azerbaijan: The education system in Azerbaijan follows a 12-year structure divided into primary, secondary and higher levels. It includes primary education (grades 1-4), secondary education (grades 5-9) and upper secondary school (grades 10-11).
- Kazakhstan: The education system in Kazakhstan also follows a 12-year structure that includes primary, secondary and tertiary levels. It includes primary education (grades 1-4), lower secondary education (grades 5-9) and upper secondary education (grades 10-12).

2. Curriculum and subjects:
- Azerbaijan: The curriculum in Azerbaijan includes a number of subjects including the Azerbaijani language, mathematics, natural sciences, social sciences, foreign languages ​​and physical education. In high school, students can choose from a variety of academic streams, such as general education, natural sciences, humanities, or technical and vocational education.
- Kazakhstan: The curriculum in Kazakhstan includes subjects such as Kazakh and Russian languages, mathematics, natural sciences, social sciences, foreign languages ​​and physical education. At upper secondary level, students can choose majors such as science, humanities or technical and vocational education.

3. Language of instruction:
- Azerbaijan: Azerbaijani is the main language of instruction in schools, but some subjects may be taught in Russian or English in some schools.
- Kazakhstan: Kazakh and Russian languages ​​are the official languages ​​of instruction in schools. The language of instruction may vary depending on the region and type of school.

4. Assessment:
- Azerbaijan: The assessment system in Azerbaijan usually consists of regular exams, tests and quizzes. Grades are given on a 5-point scale, with 5 being the highest grade.
- Kazakhstan: Assessment methods in Kazakhstan include exams, tests and class participation. Grades are given on a 12-point scale, with 12 being the highest grade.

5. Higher education:
- Azerbaijan: There are several universities and higher education institutions in Azerbaijan that offer bachelor's and master's and doctoral programs. Some famous universities include Baku State University, ADA University, and Azerbaijan State University of Economics.
- Kazakhstan: Kazakhstan also has numerous universities and higher education institutions such as Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Kazakhstan-British Technical University and Nazarbayev University.

6. International cooperation:
- Azerbaijan: Azerbaijan actively participated in international cooperation in the field of education. It participates in various exchange programs, cooperates with foreign universities and promotes international student mobility.
- Kazakhstan: Similarly, Kazakhstan has paid attention to the expansion of international cooperation in the field of education. It has established partnerships with universities around the world, offers scholarships to international students and promotes academic exchanges.

As can be seen from the comparison, the education system and form of the two countries are almost the same. The reason for this, of course, is that they have been represented in one union for many years.

Kanan Nagibeyli

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