
Amendments are being made to the law "On Education".

31.05.2023 15:36 1664 review

Changes are being made to the law "On Education". Certification in educational institutions requires 3 years instead of 5 as before.

Tehsil.biz informs that the bill on amending the law "On Education" was included in the agenda of the meeting of the Milli Majlis on May 30 in the second reading.

According to the draft law, the rules for changing the educational institution, specialization, their expulsion from the educational institution or their return to the educational institution, as well as the temporary suspension of the education of the students (granting them an academic leave) are determined by the students of the vocational education institutions.

During the transition from one stage or level of education to another, the requirements for the suitability of the educational program (specialty) are determined, as well as the procedure for the internship of students of higher and secondary specialized educational institutions is approved.

Participation in the certification of persons aged sixty and older is voluntary.

The bill was adopted in the second reading after the vote.

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