
Those who want to become school principals will take an exam today

06.07.2023 09:26 1923 review

Today, the test exam of the competition for the recruitment of directors of general educational institutions with more than 500 students is being held.

"Tehsil.biz" was informed about this by the Ministry of Science and Education.

It was reported that the test exam to which a total of 1889 candidates were invited is being organized in 9 centers including 8 cities across the country.

According to the "Regulations for recruitment to the position of director of state general educational institutions", the competition will consist of a written exam and an interview stage. The duration of the exam is 90 minutes. The written exam stage consists of a test exam and a written work. In the test, candidates will be presented with 20 questions related to pedagogy, methodology, critical reading skills, 10 questions each related to education and management legislation, leadership, management, mathematical logic, and a total of 60 test tasks. Candidates who answered half of the questions correctly will be presented with essay topics for writing work.

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