
A test exam was held for candidates wishing to obtain a Professional Accountant Certificate

22.02.2021 09:34 247 review

In order to help the candidates preparing for the exams, the Ministry of Education and Science organized a mock exam on February 21, 2021 in accordance with the first stage of the exam - the basic exam model for accounting.




In accordance with the precautionary measures against COVID-19 infection, access to the examination hall was allowed only with a medical mask, and the candidates' body temperatures were checked with an electronic thermometer, which can be measured remotely, and the necessary disinfectants were used. Candidates are seated at the required distance from each other in the examination halls.





The mock exam was held in accordance with the International Accounting Standards for the Public Sector - for candidates wishing to obtain I, II level PMS. 50 people took part in the exam.





The exam was held for 3 hours and the candidates were given 40 test tasks to assess their knowledge. Of the 40 test tasks, 30 are closed and 10 are open. 20 closed-type tasks are evaluated with 1 point, 10 with 2 points, 8 open-type tasks with 5 points, 2 with 10 points.




The results of the exam will be announced within the next week in connection with the examination of tasks that require a written answer.

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