
There are online mock exams on school textbooks

11.12.2020 15:31 487 review

The State Examination Center (SEC) conducts various types of online mock exams through the otk.az portal.


Tehsil.biz was informed by the Ministry of Education and Science that users can also take mock exams on each subject and class on the portal. This online test bank has a total of 28,535 test items.


Applicants (pupils) are required to pass a mock exam on each subject (with 10 test tasks in each exam) in each subject contained in the textbooks of grades 5-11 for all subjects (grades 4-11 for the Azerbaijani language and mathematics) and 5 they can check their level of preparation using an assessment test (with 20 test items in each exam).


Materials of the subject written by the test participant are active for 1 year. During this time, he can look at the assignments, his answers, and the correct answers to the assignments.


Instructions on registration, payment and registration for exams on the portal are available in the "Instructions" section of the otk.az portal.

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