
The results of admission to the residency have been announced

05.10.2021 17:44 504 review

The State Examination Center has announced the results of admission to the residency for the 2021/2022 academic year.

According to Tehsil.biz, candidates can learn about the results of the competition on the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs or through mobile operators (Azercell, Bakcell, Nar, Naxtel) by sending the "job number" to 7727.

According to the results of the entrance exam, 419 out of 541 candidates participating in the competition gained the right to continue their education in the residency. 141 of them are boys and 278 are girls. 234 candidates are graduates of the current year, and 185 candidates are graduates of previous years. The 4th issue of the "Residency" magazine, which reflects the list of admissions and passing scores on specializations, will be available in "PDF" format on the website abiturient.az from October 6.

Those admitted to the residency must submit the required documents to the Ministry of Defense, persons admitted to the Military Medical Faculty of the Medical University, persons admitted to the Nakhchivan State University on October 12-15, 2021 to the Ministry of Health of the Nakhchivan AR, Medical University and other clinical bases, including I Persons admitted to the Baku branch of the First Moscow State Medical University named after M. Sechenov must register by submitting to a working group established in the institutions designated by the Ministry of Health. More information will be available on the official website of the Ministry of Health.

Failure to register during this period will be considered as a refusal to study in the specialty in which they are placed, and they will be removed from the list of those admitted.

Those admitted to Nakhchivan State University will be able to get information about the rules of registration on the official website of Nakhchivan State University.

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