
1442 candidates will take the exam for administrative positions in the civil service

11.08.2021 12:43 533 review

On August 11, the State Examination Center will hold a test exam for groups BA and BB, which belong to type B of administrative positions (administrative executive positions) in the civil service.

The exam will be held in Baku. 446 candidates for BA group, 996 candidates for BB group and 1442 candidates in total were registered to take part in the exam. Registered candidates must access the SEP website and print out an admission form.

The exam starts at the same time in all buildings - at 10:00. Candidates arriving after 09:45 will not be allowed to take the exam. In order to prevent crowds and contact, various times of entry to the examination hall were set and indicated in the graduation certificate. Therefore, it is necessary to come to the exam building at the time indicated in the admission form.

6 buildings, 132 halls, 6 general exam supervisors, 15 exam supervisors, 127 supervising teachers, 12 graduation staff were allocated for the exam.

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