
When will children be vaccinated with COVID-19?

11.08.2021 11:12 286 review

Professor Aslinur Ozkaya Parlakay, a pediatric infectious disease specialist at Yildirim Beyazit University Ankara City Hospital, clarified the issue of vaccinating children.

According to research, infection in schools is the lowest among other infectious factors.

The professor said the spread of the infection in schools goes hand in hand with society: "In other words, I think we will be more successful if we try to get people over the age of 16 vaccinated before they vaccinate their children."

The world is currently debating whether to vaccinate children.

Vaccination for children aged 12-15 began on May 6 in Canada. Later, the United States, Denmark and France also included children in the vaccination schedule. China and Israel have come to the fore in children under 12. China has approved the Israeli vaccine for children over the age of 3 and for the 5-12 age group.

The Delta option has been effective in countries that have made this decision. Israel says children with serious chronic diseases such as lung and heart need to be vaccinated, but that one-third of the normal dose of Pfizer / BioNTech will be used for children.

Meanwhile, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has asked Pfizer / BioNTech and Moderna to increase the size of clinical trials for children aged 5 to 11 years.

Are vaccines safe enough for children?

Professor Aslinur Ozkaya Parlakay clarified this question:

"We know a lot about the effectiveness and safety of the vaccine. We know that vaccines are effective and safe from studies in adults. We are discussing vaccinating children, but first we need to minimize infection among adults. We will not comment on the vaccination of children without adequate safety research. We are doing more research every day. According to the results of existing research, we have found that vaccines are safe and effective for children. "

How to break the chain of infection in schools?

Professor AO Parlakay noted that vaccination of school staff as a whole is an important condition for children not to be infected:

"Everyone's contact with children is a risk factor. In other words, adults should be vaccinated. Then children should be reminded of the rules of masks, distance and hygiene. With the opening of schools, it is necessary to remind the rules again."


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