
The article co-authored by the Azerbaijani scientist was published in an impact factor magazine

02.07.2021 09:42 267 review

Director of the Institute of Botany of ANAS, academician Valida Alizadeh co-authored an article entitled “Crestiazides CG, monotropenoid glycosides derived from Cruciata articulata (Arthritic cruscataa)” in “Phytochemistry” journal of Elsevier publishing house-fact20-imp20-D2-3 (3-imp. , 044) were published.

This was reported by the institute.


It was noted that the article is dedicated to the description of the separation and structure of five non-descriptive monotropenoid glycosides isolated from the herb Rubiaceae, collected from a height of 1402 meters in the Lerik region of Azerbaijan. Extensive spectroscopic analysis, particularly 2D NMR, was used to determine the structure of the new compounds. In addition, a molecular network was used to separate the compounds of this class, and a detailed analysis of the identification of proteins (MS-MS) allowed to suggest structures for several secondary components. This information is the first report on the phytochemical analysis of the species described recently. All isolated compounds have cytotoxic, antimicrobial activity approved by the Analytical Center of the School of Pharmaceutical Science and Technology of the People's Republic of China. The article can be read by more than 15 million researchers around the world on ScienceDirect.

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